CSS-->Part 01-->Selector

In this class, we are going to study selector

Why do we use Selector?

Selector is used to selecting the element we want to style from HTML.

6 types of selectors are used

  1. Universal

  2. Individual

  3. Class and ID

  4. And

  5. Combined

  6. Direct child

Universal Selector: -

It is used to select the whole HTML page

Syntax : -


Example: -

Individual Selector: -

These are selectors which is used to target the individual element like: -

<p> ,<h1>....to ....<h6>,<span> and etc

Class and Id Selector: -

This is mostly used, selectors.

Class selector represents by-->.

Id selector represents by--->#

And Selector: -

It will select only those elements that both cond. is true like AND

Question: -In HTML we have a 2 class name of "bg-black" and "bg-black text-white" but we have select one even the both name is common than we use AND Selector.

Combined Selector: -

We select more than one element on HTML like

If we didn't use the Combined operator, we have to select p differently and span differently to change the color and background color.

Direct child Selector: -

The CSS child selector uses the > character to target an element that is a direct child of an element type.